The MPL Association is an industry trade association dedicated to furthering the interests of its members in areas related to professional liability. The Association contemplates involvement in educational, legislative, regulatory, and loss prevention endeavors. In undertaking this involvement, the Association has had a long-standing and important policy to comply fully with all laws applicable to its operations and the operations of its members. Compliance with the antitrust laws has been and remains a fundamental part of this policy. This policy acknowledges that members should be able to compete vigorously and ethically, but always in compliance with the laws of the United States, including the antitrust laws. The Association intends to comply with such laws and to operate in accordance with the highest moral, ethical, and legal standards. It supports those efforts of its membership to compete fairly and believes that the economy, the public, and the Association's members will benefit most if businesses compete vigorously, free from unreasonable restraints.
To this end, the Association undertakes, and encourages all members to undertake, to conduct its and their affairs free of any action or intent to influence competition or otherwise control free trade. Members of the MPL Association are asked to adhere to this policy with respect to all of their interactions with the Association, including their attendance at meetings and participation in other Association sponsored functions